What is the most important thing a mom can carry with her other than her kids, diapers, wipes, ok well we have alot of really important things! I never leave home without my mom cards! They are buisness cards for moms! Mine is blue with a pink chandelier! It says my name........s.a.h.m..... My number and email...... And Aidan and Nolan's mom! You never know when you wil meet a super fun mom you want to have a playdate with! I always wanted buisness cards! Hey I was in labor for 24 hours and nursed them for 2 years and 8 months combined.... If I wanna have mom cards I think I deserve to right???
Get yours at zazzle.com
OMG, what a FABULOUS idea! That would make life so much easier! With 4 kids, & running between school, cheer, hockey, soccer, how much easier would it be to just toss a card at folks when they mention getting the kids together!! Love it!